English language teaching for deaf students
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This is a systematic review research, in which we seek to analyze studies on the teaching of English to deaf students (in regular or bilingual schools). After searching the Google Scholar platform, using specific descriptors and quotation marks as delimiter ("Teaching English for the Deaf"), we found 15 (fifteen) searches, five of which were aligned with the objectives of our work. The objectives of this study are to investigate whether teachers use different teaching techniques and methods for deaf students, what these methods are and what their impact is on the learning teaching process of this student. After rigorous reading of the selected papers, we conclude that despite advances in inclusive educational policies, even bilingual schools do not have the appropriate conditions for this public to be included. Lack of training for teachers and appropriate teaching materials, the teaching methodology is still focused almost exclusively on the hearing student, the hearing students usually do not know Libras and therefore interact very little with deaf students, besides missing Libras interpreters in schools that have deaf students enrolled. We also highlight that in all cases in which teachers were aware of Libras, and training about the specificities of deaf students, the teaching methodology was performed differently, providing better learning and enabling the inclusion of deaf students in school.
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