At the limit of silence analysis in the light of the assumptions of Gestalt Therapy
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This article is an analysis in the light of the theoretical contributions of Gestalt-Therapy from the film No Limit of silence. The problem deals with the motivational causes and the precipitating causes of one suicide and the attempt of another, in addition to presenting the neurotic mechanisms or creative adjustments experienced by two characters and the psychiatrist in the film. The motivational causes and the precipitating causes of the self-inflicted attempts and deaths are not confused, the former are multifactorial and more complex, the latter are the most visible, the most evident, the ones that stand out most when the act occurs. It is the so-called proof of the decision that culminated in the act. The researchers that guide the analysis are: Silva (2009), Aragão Neto and Oliveira (2008), Perls (1988), Kiyan (2006), Ribeiro (2007), Caselatto (2002), Kübler-Ross (2003), Fukumitsu and Scavacini (2013), among others. The method is qualitative / interpretive, focusing on the relationships between the characters, the results of which lead to the need to know and understand the suicidal act, in addition to the neurotic mechanisms put in place by the characters in an attempt to minimize psychological distress. The knowledge of the theme by the professionals involved with the theme and the priority in caring for the victims are paramount so that the damage and trauma resulting from suicide and its attempts are, at least, minimized.
(Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay)
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