Caio Fernando Abreu a literary biography

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Cyro Roberto de Melo Nascimento


In this article we reflect on how the relationship between literature and the historical-social context is constructed from the work of writer Caio Fernando Abreu. When we analyze his literary text and the conditions of its publication, we see how the writing and personal trajectory of the author are marked by the constant social transformations of the country. His literary biography is strongly determined by the political conjuncture, as we see in the censorship imposed on his texts by the authoritarian regime and in his self-exile in Europe, which will appear as a recurring theme throughout the work. But not only is his life determined by the historical context, but also his literary theme in Gaius' texts will influence the way his generation thinks about itself in the face of the social maelstrom that marked that time. We can understand it as an example of the contemporary Brazilian literary experience, in which the Military Dictatorship and the redemocratization of the country will prove to be fundamental points in the composition of the fictional text, both when adopted as a theme, and in the impositions of the authoritarian regime to the authors to condition their writing to official censorship.

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How to Cite
NASCIMENTO, C. R. M. Caio Fernando Abreu: a literary biography. Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Research in Education, v. 3, n. 1, p. 22-27, 30 Jun. 2020.
Author Biography

Cyro Roberto de Melo Nascimento, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

PhD in Language Studies, area of concentration in Comparative Literature by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Master by the same program. Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Piauí (2001) and Postgraduate in Civil Procedural Law from Faculdades Integradas Jacarepaguá.


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