Religious freedom vs. sexual sreedom tensions between traditional churches and LGBTs in Brazil
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Adopting as a theoretical assumption that discourse production is controlled, selected and redistributed by a series of procedures, the purpose of which is to organize the social field regarding certain ideas (FOUCAULT, 1999), this research project proposes to investigate the discursive articulations produced by Christian-based religious segments in Brazil -Roman Catholics and Evangelical Protestants -regarding LGBT visibilities, analyzing the links between sexual and gender diversity, Religion, State and groupable phenomena under the rubric of LGBTphobia in the contemporary Brazilian scenario. In this investigation, the persistence of a religious scenario refractory to the manifestations of sexuality that escape the heterosexual norm (BORRILLO, 2009) is questioned as a possible response to the intensification of the struggles in favor of the rights of LGBT people, causes especially supported by the UN. The discussion will take place articulating religious perceptions and fears to cultural transformations linked to the recognition and visibility ofsexual minorities today (SARTORI; MANTOVANI, 2016), as well as the growth of the presence of religious in party politics (MACHADO, 2012). Situating in the context of qualitative methodology, having as source, various materials produced by religious organizations of Christian base in Brazil.
(Imagem by J F from Pixabay)
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