Valuing diversity at school body, sex and gender
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Beginning in the 1990s, in the 20th century, especially with the implementation of National Curriculum Parameters, school and pedagogical practices in Brazil began to value diversity, breaking with the widespread paradigms about body, sex and gender in the traditional school ideology (LOURO, 1999). Analyzing how the knowledge of the “body, sex and gender” categories can influence an individual's academic education is relevant to the field of research, both in School Psychology and Social Psychology, having Social Constructionism as its foundation (CASTANON, 2004). In this work, an integrative literature review, carried out from March to April 2018, in which 08 articles were found, allowing the identification of three thematic categories: the importance of teachers in this process of building diversity; education focused on human rights; and the socio-cultural roots of the body, sex and gender. Taking into account the theoretical references on gender theories, the construction of knowledge about the relationship between body, sex and gender is discussed, analyzing its implications obtained within the school context. It was observed, through the collected literature that, through the denaturation of the categories Body, Sex and Gender, especially in the identity context, it can favor a more egalitarian society, which respects differences.
(Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay)
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