The depathologization of TRANS identities and Brazilian psychology in the face of the struggle for rights LBGTQI +

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Ana Kelma Cunha Gallas
Anna Karitha Meneses Brito
Francisco Marcelo Vieira da Silva


Due to the advance of the right and conservatism on the national political scene, the country faces systematic reviews of its sexual policies (VELASCO E CRUZ; CODAS, 2015). Since 2011, attacks on LGBTQI + rights and citizenship have intensified in the social field, especially through campaigns against the so-called “gender ideology”, a term used by movements opposing the legitimacy of sexual and gender identities. The present study aims to highlight some of the historical landmarks that contributed to the institutionalization of transsexuality as a pathology; discuss the prospects for implementing the transsexualizing process in a country refractory to sexual diversity and debate, within the scope of Gender Theories, what place Psychology occupies in the process of depatologizing transsexuality. As a research method, a critical review of the literature was adopted, which seeks to analyze the current state of research in relation to trans identities published in documents, as well as to identify how Gender Theories have contributed to the process of depatologization of these identities. The research aimed, above all, to discuss trans identities and the importance of Psychology professionals in the fight for the depatologization of trans identities in Brazil. Considering Gender as a useful theoretical-methodological tool for those who work with theoretical and analytical objects related to the field of Social and Human Sciences, this research articulated three analytical categories: Gender, Identity, Transsexuality.

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How to Cite
GALLAS, A. K. C.; BRITO, A. K. M.; SILVA, F. M. V. The depathologization of TRANS identities and Brazilian psychology in the face of the struggle for rights LBGTQI +. Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Research in Education, v. 2, n. 2, p. 51-58, 30 Dec. 2019.
Author Biographies

Ana Kelma Cunha Gallas, Santo Agostinho University Center - UNIFSA

Guiding professor of work. Master in Anthropology and Archeology from the Federal University of Piauí. Professor of the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC) at Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho. Researcher at SEXGEN - Research Group on Sexualities, Body and Gender (UFPA), ComGnero - Communication, Gender, Body and Sexuality (UESPI), and coordinates Diversity (UNIFSA).

Anna Karitha Meneses Brito, Santo Agostinho University Center - UNIFSA

Graduate student of the Psychology Course at Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho. PIBIC / UNIFSA scholarship.

Francisco Marcelo Vieira da Silva, Santo Agostinho University Center - UNIFSA

Graduate student of the Psychology Course at Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho. PIBIC / UNIFSA scholarship.


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