Jung's individualization process projection as a barrier to self-development

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Cleber Almeida da Rocha


This study exposes the individuation process, which is the theory of autodevelopment in Jung's analytical psychology. For this they are presented some of the main concepts of Jung, being, anima and animus, shade, affective complex, persona, ego and self or Si-even, aiming to provide a context in which these concepts entwine to individuation. Subsequently, the conclusions of Jung's investigations are exposed to the contribution of other approaches to human development, being the alchemy and Christianity, as well as the limitations found in these approaches according to the researcher. Finally, the projection of Anima/animus and a persona of effectiveness faced with the dynamics of contemporary organisations, such as an ego defence mechanism that need to be overcome or abandoned to allow the free flow of the development of the individual. The analysis of a film is presented and a case in order to elucidate the process of projection of Anima and the persona.

(Imagem de eunyoung LEE por Pixabay)


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ROCHA, C. A. Jung’s individualization process: projection as a barrier to self-development. Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Research in Education, v. 1, n. 2, p. 89-100, 15 Dec. 2018.
Author Biography

Cleber Almeida da Rocha, Faculty of Education and Environment - FAEMA

Graduated in Psychology from the Faculty of Education and Environment - FAEMA. Specialist in Clinical Neuropsychology with emphasis on Evaluation and Rehabilitation at Santo André College. Professor of higher education in the Specialization in Psychopedagogy of The Santo André College (FASA), Ji-Paraná center.


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